Thursday, February 4, 2010


yesterday we got out to saddleback cay on steven's "island world" adventure. getting on the boat and shooting off into the ocean we were leary of dark clouds daunting the distance.. the water quickly turned from the most beautiful vibrant blue to a dark mercury.. fortunately it was not too long afterwards we had passed under the clouds.. the sky opened, and we were cutting over sparkly water with an almost radioactive electric blue patch across the horizon.

on arrival, we followed wooden bridged pathways to several lookout points.. the bar.. eating areas.. and finally, the beach. the water was like glass. i was swimming along when i noticed a black shadow gliding towards me.. it was getting close and i was getting nervous, when i realised this shadow was a gigantic manta ray.. curious, i guess. it glided away as quickly as it had come.

we got to feed sharks. finally, i got to see the epic "fin out of water".. amazing watching them move. one had to be almost nine feet long.. we did some snorkelling.. (far from the feeding grounds..) we went to jurassic park.. or so it will be in twenty years time when our pollution will eventually turn the 400+ iguanas that live there into mutant dinosaurs.. we walked along a sand bar in the middle of the ocean that had tides lapping up at our ankles from both sides..

all in all, our full day on the water was magic. couldn't have completed our bahamian excursion any other way. in a few hours time, ang and i are heading to the airport. until next time..

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


"If civilization and complexity are synonymous, this qualification is, naturally hopelessly incorrect, but it does seem as though this group of islands of all sizes from mere lumps of rock to hundred-mile-long reefs, overgrown with vegetation, have always been looked upon my man as a means of escape to a simple way of life. The step from canoes to ships and from ships to planes has been a giant stride over the centuries, but the magic remains, from whichever level in space the islands are viewed. There is no greater thrill than that of flying over these waters, so clear that one can often see everything on the sea-floor, and so radiant with colour that the variety of shades is almost unbelievable. They range from deepest purple, through every blue imaginable to jade and aquamarine, ending up with the palest yellows, where the sand bars touch the surface in long ripples forming fantastic patterns like watered silk. Tiny dark dots are coral heads, growing through the long, slow years into yet more islands, and any land mass is a potential adventure, a challenge to the most satiated imagination."

"There are no ruins or historical sites to be visited, life is a leisurely affair, and time means nothing. But once the feel of the island has taken hold of visitors they become captivated sooner or later, and leave with the intention of returning to feast their eyes once more on the colours that remain in the memory long after the island has been forsaken for the business of ordinary life."

A few great quotes from Eleuthera, the island called freedom by Everild Young.

my last few days in the bahamas were marvelously relaxing. spent all day friday down on bette's dock with bette, maurice, julie, miranda, and geoffery.. stretching out in the salty waves and snorkelling along the cliffside. said goodbye to new friends, promising to return sooner than later.. and then saturday morning after the boat taxi to eleuthra, i flew to nassau where i awaited my flight to calgary. meeting up with two of my very best friends from back home, we drank wine and reminisced.. and before i knew it.. i had woken up when my flight was supposed to be landing in the regina airport - where my entire family was awaiting me.. my alarm, which had been entirely reliable the entire trip, did not go off. in a panic i said goodbye, hailed a cab, and got myself on the next flight.. four hours later i was in my mama's arms and everything was right in the world.

and here i am, in the 3308.


so here we are, tuesday. in a few hours we are potentially going to head back to nassau and be met by donnie.. then out and enjoying beautiful weather with steven tomorrow on his boat to the exuma's.. OR, we will stay here at bette's for one more night, and then back to nassau tomorrow on the bohengy for ang and i to catch our flight back on thursday (sob).. the variable: weather.

yesterday a storm swept across russell island.. the ocean was upset and grey.. salt water mist blowing up onto bette's deck and patches of pouring rain.. it was a beauty. i love the rain. we sat in and i got a bridge lesson. if only retirement was a valid option for me! i've found my calling.

brenda was storm-stayed an extra day, much to everyone delight. we were invited over to ed and judy's for supper last night; a couple renting a house here from s. carolina. very sweet and accomodating. today there's a strong breeze and the sun is out. and i just got word that nassau is a go! one more day of fun in the sun.. then a night in the toronto airport.. then reality hits.