Monday, May 17, 2010


life has been up and down and around a few times since my last post. it's impossible to keep up with daily happenings and the thoughts that automatically fill my head; nevermind having to reiterate those facts and situations into an unchaotic, sensical blog post. i suppose that if life was easy to write about it certainly wouldn't be interesting, or at least not in my opinion. so in that sense i'm doing alright for myself, i guess.

life. such a funny thing that i will never ever understand no matter how much i contemplate it. sometimes i feel i have it all worked out, and then i realise that i in fact had everything backwards. and then.. rinse and repeat.. those same two realizations roll over and over again until nothing makes sense anymore and i go through life without thinking about it for a time. i'm just recently through a cycle, where i will now most likely numb myself to the philosophy of why we are here and what we're supposed to do, and just enjoy the warm weather.. have fun and make memories. i know that's not wrong, that's probably actually exactly right, but, although i don't feel shame now, i probably will soon.. [see top of paragraph..]

so i'm back to the grind in the queen city after 8 days of pure bliss on the west coast. amazing hangouts and good vibes all over vancouver. the amount of sushi digested would probably make some of you uncomfortable.. lots of walking around.. pitchers on patios.. live music.. reconnecting with some cool cats i met through the amazing danelle ross last summer.. the mountains and ocean.. at this point in time, i'd have to say, it just doesn't get any better than that.

regina's just not doing it for me these days. after countless talks with friends, i feel that my time here is nearing curtain call. i have somehow absolutely lucked out on snagging the best two jobs in town; working for the best people i know. i never want it to end. but the road to adventure is calling.. and i don't know if my brittle body will survive another prairie winter.