Tuesday, March 23, 2010

la vie en francais.

it's just better. i'm not so sure i can even explain why. there is something so beautiful and enchanting about every language that isn't english. maybe because my mind is blown every time i think of the vast network of sounds and tones that people find meaning in, sounds and tones that are pure gibberish to my uneducated ears. i am passionate about language. words. i need to learn french. and i need to be immersed in it to learn it. so, i need to move to montreal. i took logic my first year of university. this is what i have deduced from the facts.

it was so great to see some faces that i hadn't seen in a while. and equally so to see some new ones. the universe lined up and we killed it for five days. montreal was on the ball. my brain hurts. i have hardly slept. i spent 5 hours in the toronto airport because the plane i was supposed to get on got it's front engine completely dented in from a flight of birds. but would i change a thing? ... nah. life would suck if it were perfect.

a rundown of highlights besides the obvious reacquaintances..

bowling.. then walking passed crazy bowler lady a few days later.. climbing the mountain.. poutine.. bagels.. croissants.. ally's peanut sauce.. food in general.. foufs.. art student's ragers.. random encounters with channing and halil.. nic's girlfriend.. outbreak's bus ride home and all the ridiculous conversations that ensued.. primetime (i would totally wear a pin)..

all-in-all my trip was a success. j'aime montreal.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


moi - le petit chou - allez a montreal demain.. je suis malade aujourd'hui, mais tres content! among culture and history i will be reunited with several amazing friends for five days of uninhibited wonderment. yes. so, this bug will just have to kick it by morning. there is no alternative.

c'est la vie.. et la vie est bon!