Sunday, July 1, 2007

since chilling with ingrid in brussels we headed into amsterdam. i can now say that ive been there, but after a day and night we decided to head out because it just wasnt our scene. lots of sketchy people as im sure you can imagine.. so we went to the train station, pulled out the map, and picked a spot on the northern coast. turns out it was this sweet harbor town called kiel that was hosting a world sailing competition when we happened to roll in.. we couldnt understand how an entire cities hostels and hotels and every other form of sleeping arrangement could be completely booked up, then we heard about the festival.. so this really nice lady dalinda was helping us out for booking something at the tourist office and after about an hour and a half we just figured we would crash in the train station, but when she heard us say that she told us she would not allow it, its her job to find us a place, and thats what she was going to do. long story short, she ended up calling her friends son and asked him if two strangers could stay at his house, and he said yes. it was fun. thousands of people, all these cool rides, it was like the brandon fair times a million. yeah, that good. we went on this ride called the 'power tower' that was 70m high and it just picks you up and drops really fast and my stomach was hanging over my head, it was awesome. i love that feeling. it reminds me of franks airplane that i realized i havent been on forever, so when i get home, i want to go for a ride frank! we can do 'rollercoasters', it will be a blast. anyways, ended up staying for a couple days before heading into hamburg.

we couch surfed there for three days, saw the sights, didnt see a famous tunnel because i swear it does not exist unless you have to pull some harry potter moves and walk through a wall.. but overall a super good time. we hung out with the people we were staying with more than we did the tourist scene, and really became friends.. it was a little sad to say goodbye, but thats life i guess. after hamburg we headed over to berlin, where i am sitting right now. we met up with the oc kid, jason. (from the train in barcelona) so hes been our personal tour guide the past couple days because he knows the city really well and he could tell us some fun facts that just made everything more interesting. saw some pieces of the berlin wall, what an intense time in history. i actually never realized that it only got torn down in 89.. it seems way too current.

overall berlin has been great. tomorrow its time to move on to prague. sorry this is so long. xo

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