Tuesday, March 18, 2008

it's the middle of the night and i can't sleep. morning brings a paper deadline, test, and midterm; all of which i am dreading entirely. and there's a whole lot else on my mind these days which always add a new twist of insomnia to the already prevalent stress levels.. but that is okay. because it's all going down tomorrow. the awful weight of it all is always worth the satisfaction of completion.

besides school life, i've been a pretty happy girl these days. the weather is changing. first day of spring is on thursday. a few days ago i woke up and was walking to my car and i could smell rain in the air. a crisp spring morning and all i could think about was that i wanted it to rain. as i was driving to school, a car passed me and splashed my windshield with a dirty city street puddle, and i left it on there for a minute longer before flicking on the wipers. yeah, i did it. and then: it rained a little bit. glorious.

yesterday morning i stopped in at starbucks to grab a latte before heading to school. i was absentmindedly leaning against the wall by the counter where you pick up drinks, my one foot crossed over the other, waiting for my warm caffeine fix when i looked down to see this little boy, long blonde hair peaking out under a hooded jacket of yellow, blue and red. he was concentrating really hard, trying to figure out how to balance his one foot over the other, glancing up at mine for a guideline. he looked up at me and saw me watching, and grinned. so i uncrossed my foot, and he did to. then i crossed them really fast, and he followed. i crossed the other one, he giggled and did it too. then i put my foot back on the wall, and he stuck his out in front of him. a silent game played between strangers at the coffee counter.

i went out for breakfast with my friend kelli on saturday. somehow the entire morning and early afternoon was swallowed up in minutes. i guess when that happens you know you enjoy each others company. and that it's been far too long since your last visit. both of which are more than true in this case. but we're planning a london fog/crib session for the near future, so key. when we finally organize our much anticipated crib tournament, i'll be sure to fill you all in.


Alicia Slywka said...

we haven't played crib in so long. lets do it again soon...

melanie said...

deal! if we can fit it in, some time before i leave. otherwise, definitely when i return!