Tuesday, April 21, 2009

growing up.

in the last 3 days i have played out my life hundreds of times. starting in august: everything from job possibilities [to remaining unemployed], to university possibilities (aka. degree[s], exchange programs, course loads, summer classes), to cities i would like to live in, to potential jobs post-uni, to future travel plans, to the joys and downfalls of having/needing money.. from the things i enjoy; the things that interest me, the things i think i could see myself doing for a long time, the things i want to do while i'm young, the things that i can and cannot do when i'm old.. it's utterly fantastically overwhelming thinking about the future. i know i need not stress about it; time will pass as it does and my decisions will sway with the opportunities that unpredictably and inevitably come.. and yet i cannot help but worry that my dreams and goals are all extremely diverse, and somewhat opposing, and that i will forever be unsatisfied. is this normal? i need to be consoled.


danelle said...

Mel! Skype with me tomorrow night and lets have a big chat!

April said...

super heavy post mel, but be assured you are not alone. it is true that choices you make now effect future dreams and possibilities (and that is heavy on the heart and mind!)... but don't forget to reflect on the SO many amazing things you have already done and accomplished in your young life. that is something to be sooo satisfied with. ♥