Tuesday, June 16, 2009

lennox head.

airlie beach: hung out by the lagoon all afternoon.. swam.. walked the main strip.. lots of tourists, haven't seen that many young people in one place in awhile. then to rockhampton where we couchsurfed with this guy named samuel; wonderful gentle soul. lots of good talks, a bed (!), and we all got together with heidi and clare the next afternoon for a bbq by the river.. i don't know how those girls do it, they're modern day kerouac's, i swear. this is a brief overview of their two weeks on the road: they start driving, by the time they reach 1770 - yes, that is a place - they are completely out of both money and petrol. stranded there for four days, they sell a fishing pole for $20, dog sit for an afternoon and make another $30, and make it to rockhampton to meet us in time for heidi's birthday. we left them having no plans other than doing some fruit picking on a farm somewhere north.. i have no doubt that everything will work out just fine. always does.

hervey bay: voluntarily jumped out of an airplane at 14,000 ft. spectacular views of fraser island, it's lakes, the sandbars surrounding the islands.. the open ocean, turqoise and deep blue swirls; an aussie's interpretation of the northern lights. what a thrill hanging out the open doorway of an airplane before jumping, 60-second free fall. fastest minute of my life. once our chute opened (yay) everything slowed down, spinning in circles, checking out the scenery. surreal. i saw two dugongs swimming in the ocean below before coming in for a landing on the beach. knees and feet up, and my bum was in the sand before i knew it. still buzzing from this experience.

from there we spent about 4 days or so in noosa, hanging out with chris and his friends. great to catch up for a bit before he headed off to vietnam, and we continued down the coast. brisbane for a night which included a really bad keanu reeves movie and myself on the couch with a terrible head cold.. a drive along surfers paradise.. stopping in byron bay to eat lunch by the water, stacy and i eating ours out of tin cans.. and now, lennox head where we have full run of a trailer in a caravan park which is wedged nicely between the coast and a lake with black tea tree water..


terri said...

Hey Melanie, so many adventures...How are we ever going to get you back to visit Haddonfield after you have seen the world? You could even stay in your old room! Have fun, be careful, miss you.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what you should be more excited about-- the sixty second free fall/beach land, or the new Keanu Reeves movie. Both must have been equally exciting/life affirming.

We're all looking forward to your return. Not sure whether you want to live with your brothers, but you've got a room here if you like. Take care and talk to you soon.
Love Darryl