Friday, July 10, 2009

vancouver/tim hortons.

so after having a straightfacedavoidingeyecontactgoodbye with stacy, because dragging it out only makes things that much harder; i turned my back and headed into the airport, only to have a slight breakdown after turning my first corner.. (i am my mother's daughter, after all.) it's so hard because as much as i see myself as being independent, stacy has kind of been my other half for the entire year.. so it was really hard to go off on my own knowing that i would be crossing the ocean and unable to hang out with her for at least a year to come! but, that is life.

and here i am in vancouver! first thing i did once i got through customs was grab some sweet sweet timmy ho's. i don't even know what exactly it is about that place, but it's both delicious and so canadian that i couldn't resist. 3 buses, a skytrain, way too much walking and the help of many kind strangers later, and i am sitting in danelle's room anxiously awaiting her return from work! our currency looks absurdly disproportionate; i'm actually quite certain the coins have shrunk since i've left! and the bills are much too big. i also felt highly uncomfortable riding the bus on the right side of the road! it felt so wrong! funny that my own country will take some getting used to..


Nic said...

You'll learn soon. Everything about our country is a mess. Welcome back.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back to Canada my love! It is so wonderful to hear you are on home turf again. Have been in Wpg. all week-end and just arrived home. Checking up on you was first on my agenda! I shed a few tears at your departure from Stacy. She has been such a wonderful friend, making you two such a formidable pair!
Just heading up to Ken's now for supper. Frank and Emily will meet me there, as they are coming from Roblin. Enjoy VAncouver, take care, and looking so forward to seeing you in several weeks! We will be at the plane. xoxoxox Mom