Tuesday, June 22, 2010

spirit airlines.

so this morning i was checking my hotmail account, and the subject of a "spirit airline" email caught my eye.. it read: check out the oil on our beaches, plus $50 off*.. opening to pictures of bikini clad women with tanning oil lying on the beaches of ft. lauderdale and cancun, and wherever else they're trying to get you to fly to..

i realise that advertising is a cut-throat industry, and it is clearly their objective to get you to open their emails, but at what cost? they're playing off a disaster that is not only extremely depressing, it is a product of our own consumerism and greed, and it is a problem that is right at this very moment still pumping out gallons of oil into our oceans and helping to destroy an ecosystem that we very much depend on; and somehow that is what's selling vacations to beaches that, if we continue to have our way with, will cease to exist as a place you would ever want to visit.

completely inappropriate.

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