Saturday, February 14, 2009

life in general.

first thing's first: neither stacy nor i are working for the other balwin at present. it is for the best. stacy and melissa are continuing into '09 with more english teaching; both are tutoring mostly korean students, choosing the hours, and are getting paid a decent wage. melissa is also working a few shifts at a cafe downtown called "schnitz". i myself work monday to friday at a little place a 10 minute walk from our house.. it's a cafe slash sandwich shop slash burger and springroll joint slash pasta and noodle lunch extraordinaire, ran by a chinese couple. i am up at 5am every week day.. and ssslowly adjusting into a morning routine. it's pretty killer.

tuesday was stacy's birthday, and instead of going out and doing something exciting.. we spent the evening in our room, in bed, watching 'friends' on her laptop. it was phenomenal. i was asleep by 10. we are planning a proper celebration for the near future.

yesterday was valentine's day and so the girls got all dolled up in sweet dresses we second-hand bought this week, went for a vietnamese feast, and out for some drinks. our first social excursion as a trio since we've got to the city, almost a month ago! about time.

and tonight misery signals are in town so we are going to check out the show. i'm pumped.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to hear from you Mel. Enjoyed seeing your brothers very much in Moose Jaw. It was one of the highlights! Saw
Rose and Ted in Birtle and Christine in back in Calgary. I'm sure you are in touch with her. Will talk to you soon. Take care and love from us all! xoxox Mom