Friday, February 27, 2009

these days.

i've been finding it more difficult to blog as the days play out our stint in melbourne. it's partially because my writing has been uninspired, and partially because i feel life as i currently know it has nothing on the past six months and is therefore a drag. i am trying to change/correct this.

five days a week, on my way to work, i walk past this window with a creepy manequin in the corner. i know it's there, but i still get scared every time. every. time. i think it has to do with the fact that it's still dark and i have watched far too many scary movies. i also have three shadows on said walk, because of the positioning of the street lights.. they have made me jump on occasion. i am such a wuss.

when i get to work, there is a stereo in the closet by the grill that plays radio hits while i work. i enjoy music to pass the time however i have quickly discovered that their station of choice plays 3 songs, repeatedly. they are: the 'new' kings of leon song which was great until the zillionth time.. some techno crap.. and some song about san fransisco that i unfortunately know all the words to, because there are five of them. this begins at 6am and continues throughout my 7.5 hour shift.

usually when i get home i shower, eat lunch, and either call canada or take a nap. the afternoon is spent at the library, a park, or hanging at home with or without the roomies. week nights i'm in bed around 10. weekends 10:30.. (it's tough abruptly changing sleep habits!) on occasion my phone will ring. it's usually stacy or melissa asking if i would like to meet them at the library, a park, or at home. we've found a few good second-hand shops which tend to slip into the agenda every now and then.

last night i went to see attack in black and moneen at a little venue not far from our place. also, today chris mccrae joined the melbourne network and we found ourselves wandering around the soundwave grounds watching music by the likes of minus the bear, every time i die, say anything, new found glory, saves the day and such.. we arrived late and i missed an acoustic set from none other than mike herrera. i have let the family down, but mostly just myself.

regardless, these last few days shake routine which is nice.


Anonymous said...

Melanie: I looked Mike Herrera up, and can see why you are disappointed! Is that the guy who sang on Darryl's song? We're just waiting for it to warm up so we can head to the hill for a few hours, then on to Jo's for supper. Ken and Helen were here last night for supper, and Ken showed me some of Christine's photos from your trip. I think he had them from Laura's facebook. They were excellent. She has a great eye for capturing the essence of a place. You two will have to collaborate when you return, and put together a book of your trip!! Keep in touch! xoxo Mom

Anonymous said...

Oh Melanie.....
You poor girl. Life in Melbourne is feeling stagnant? Would you care to switch for a bit? Just kidding..... I can understand what you're saying, though it sounds a little ridiculous.
Yes, you have let the family down by missing Mike, but I have faith that you will somehow redeem yourself. Maybe Yuri will be playing an acoustic set soon!
Love you and miss you. Be sure to call again soon!