Thursday, August 27, 2009


i didn't come on here with anything to say in particular; but i figured i'd shoot the shit and see what happens. you may possibly have to bear with me..

back in regina: a city that is very dear to me, perhaps only for the people it hosts. i'm feeling both the pull to get back on the road, and the feeling to settle into routine (at least loosely), and it's killing me being stuck in the middle. these days i just chill at the college house watching battlestar galactica, and ponder on job possibilities while i slowly tackle my resume.. of which i only intend on handing out early next week, as i have a date with my friends cabin sunday/monday. i've bumped into some sweet people: new acquaintances and old. i'm very excited to re-learn regina, as it applies to me a year later. new job, friends - referring both to those which i have only just met, and those which i knew a year ago who have inevitably grown and changed. my social anxiety is fading, but i am still coping with serious stacy-withdrawal. i've enjoyed a fabulous weekend in winnipeg at my cousin's wedding, danced all night with the spandiards and fam. and since relocating, i've seen some pretty great shows: foxwarren, molten lava, matt goud, andy shauf, the wooden sky (best show). very happy that the weather has warmed up, danelle's in town, and my dearest katie will be around for a few days! in a nutshell: i'm feeling fine, a little bored/anxious to do something, but otherwise stoked on life and friends.

1 comment:

Nic said...

do you have a cell phone? or internet? how can i contact you...?