Thursday, January 31, 2008

so. it's -100000 degrees outside and i just got in the door from work. i have been carless now for three days. i've never realised how difficult it is to get around without a vehicle to get me from point a to point b and back and wherever else i might need to go..

i guess sometimes it's nice to have these reminders, to show just how fortunate i am of everything i have.. to not take so many things for granted.. although, it could've happened say, in the summer time, when i could be even more appreciative of the greens and smells and sounds while i walked everywhere.. these days i would just end up with frostbite and hypothermia. but it also allows me to realise, i actually have friends out there who are willing to go out of their way to help me out. i have managed to get to school and back, and work and back, on other peoples time and money. the moral of the story is: basically, i am never going to have my own car again. all jokes aside though, its really cool for me to see all of this generosity, and i only hope that i can mirror this to others when the opportunity presents itself.

tomorrow is already february. time just flies when you're having fun. and i'm having just that these days. im reading a really interesting book titled "an unquiet mind" by kay jamison. it's her own account of growing up struggling with manic-depression. the writing is beautiful, i can't think of a more appropriate word to describe it.. but her accounts are so detailed and it's really such an intruiging sickness.. the highs are so high that patients generally resist treatment waiting for those rushes, and through that, get sucked into such dark black depressions that many end their lives. it's like a drug. regardless, extremely interesting book that i would recommend to anyone interested in psychology, disorders, or just wanting to broaden their horizons. the almost ironic story actually involves her going through her psychology degree and PhD, hiding and never acknowledging her own sickness, but treating others..

well that's it for my rambling today. this one's a little all over the place. kind of not like my car..

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